
Sunday, January 22, 2017

Beginning [again]

Simplifying.  Back-to-basics.  Living-with-less.  De-bulking.  Downsizing,  Minimizing.  

These are topics that re-circulate through my life.  

Again and again I think about minimizing, getting rid of stuff, paring down, about clarifying, making things clear and simple, finding purpose, getting back to the essential, to the core of what really matters.  In truth, this journey began a long time ago and has been resumed numerous times.   I hope to review the journey, reinvigorate it, and this time - to get serious about it and to find success and satisfaction in it.

I dream of living a monastic styled life, centered on the meditation of God and his Word.  I dream of spare spaces, filled only with a few items that I love and where I can spend time focused on things that bring peace, joy, and contentment into my life.  I  dream of a life spent creating beautiful things that bring joy and peace to others.  A life spent in harmony with nature and the seasons.  

The issues?  I am a packrat.  I am a collector.  I am a creative person with interests and talents in many areas.  I am keeper of the family archives and genealogical records.  I don't take one photo, I take hundreds (that turn into thousands).  I don't start one project and finish it, but rather I start many and finish few.  I surround myself with piles of things, that then need taken care of, which then takes time away from contemplative and creative pursuits.  I work long hours at a job that brings less and less satisfaction and spend my "free" time dreaming of running away, instead of pursing the things that bring contentment and joy.

This journey to A Clarified Life involves possessions, activities, busy-ness, creativity, relationships, generosity, and stewardship.   For myself, it also a deeply spiritual journey.  It begins with cleaning out my spiritual house, clearing out the clutter of doubt, unbelief, and yes, even mis-belief.  It means loving God with heart, mind and soul, and seeking to love others as myself (Matt 22:-40); seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness (Matt 6:25-34); to live without anxiety, trusting God, and to be thankful in all things  (Phil 4:6,7); and living contentedly (1 Tim 6:6-10).   For me, traveling on the road towards simplicity, clarity, and minimalism is also a step of faith.  

Many of the books, blogs, and websites that I have read focus primarily on the materialistic side of downsizing, but faith and belief play an enormous role in it.  As well, I find few of the sources out there deal effectively with the idea of simplicity and/or minimalism when it comes to creativity.  As an artist and needlewoman, I know all to well how art, craft, and sewing supplies can take over space.  I hope to share my journey in that realm as well.  Lastly, as keeper of our family's extensive archives and genealogy records, I hope to share some of my journey on that topic.

Thank you for joining me on the journey!  As you will soon see, I do not have all the answers, though I hope to find some along the way!  It is my sincere wish that you may find some of what I share applicable to your own journey towards clarity and simplicity and to the growth of your own faith!  

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